Mickey Mouse Plant
Mickey Mouse Plant is native to southern Africa, tropical Asia and subtropical regions. My name is Mickey Mouse Plant. You may wonder if I am sweet osmanthus or plum. I'm neither of them. You can call me Mickey Mouse Plant.
Red Sandalwood
Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus Inicus Willd) is native to Guangdong Province of China, Burma, India, Java, Malaysia, the Philippines and Polynesia.
I'm born in India. My flowers don't last long and therefore people also call me "One-Day Flower". I am Red Sandalwood.
Formosan Gum
Formosan Gum (Liquidambar Formosana) is an indigenous plant of Taiwan and southern China.
I am Formosan Gum. Taiwan is my home. I can be cultivated as an ornamental tree, but I'm also of great medical use.. I prefer warm places and a lot of sunlight. I require medium moist soil and fertilizer for best results.
Common Carcinia
Common Carcinia (Garcinia Subelliptica Merr) has its origin in the Philippines, India, Okinawa, Sri Lanka, Orchid Island and Green Island in Taiwan.
I'm called "Lucky Wood" in Chinese. People believe that I will bring them wealth and luck. My fruits are ripe August and September, but you can't eat them.
Dinner Plate Tree (Pterospermum Acerifolium) is native to the western Himalayas, India, Bangladesh and Java.
Dinner Plate Tree
Dinner Plate Treeis one of my English common names. I was introduced to Taiwan in 1901. My blooming season lasts from July to September. I produce winged seeds that spin like a helicopter when they fall to the ground.
Giant Crape-Myrtle
Giant Crape-Myrtle (Lagerstroemia Speciosa) has its origin in tropical Asia and Australia.
I was born in Australia. I'm very common in gardens and avenues. I flower from May to July and I fruit in October and November. In the winter, my leaves will turn from green to red-orange.
Q and A
1. Is Mickey Mouse Plant a sweet osmanthus or a plum tree?
(A) Plum Tree
(B) Sweet Osmanthus Tree
(C) both
(D) none of the above
Answer: (D)
2. Why is Red Sandalwood known as "One-Day Flower" ?
(A) Its flowers only blossom for one day.
(B) Its blooming period is very short.
(C) Its flowers blossom for a long period of time.
Answer: (B)
3. Which of the country is the Common Carcinia NOT native to?
(A) the Philippines
(B) India
(C) Egypt
(D) Ceylon
Answer: (C)
4. How much sunlight does the Formosan Gum need?
(A) very little sunlight
(B) a lot of sunlight
(C) does not require sunlight
(D) some sunlight
Answer: (B)
5. When was the Dinner Plate Tree introduced to Taiwan?
(A) 2013
(B) 2009
(C) 1901
(D) 1999
Answer: (C)
